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The Curriculum Vitae

The premise of the Curriculum Vitae (CV) is to explain the physician's experience, medical education, and basic personal information.

Olesky Associates, Inc.

We have provided a sample CV to help guide you. We have also provided a Microsoft Word file for download that you are welcome to use as a template.

The following guidelines greatly appeal to those persons responsible for hiring physicians.

  • Less is more. It is best to use a heavier white/off-white bond rather than colored paper. Not only does colored paper not fax well, it appears less professional.
  • Use one-inch margins at the top, bottom and sides of the page. Choose a size 14 font for the CV headings and a size 12 font for the remainder of the CV. Select a font that is easy to read and dark enough to reproduce well when copied or faxed. Print your cover letter, CV and list of references from a laser printer.
  • Leave out the 'Objective' statement. Exclude any previous compensation information or practice preference. All of this can be discussed during the interview.
  • Clinical CV's should be two-three pages in length. Academic CV's will generally be longer, focusing heavily on past research, presentations, and publications.

We at Olesky Associates, Inc. understand how hectic your daily schedule is. If you find that time constraints won't allow you to compose or update your CV, use the following format to draft your CV, then fax/e-mail the information to us. You can also contact us directly and we'll prepare the CV for you as part of our recruitment service.

Recommended Curriculum Vitae (CV) Format

Consider the following format when composing your CV.

Olesky Associates, Inc.

Contact Information

  • Name
  • Home Address
  • City, State, ZIP/Postal Code
  • Home Telephone
  • Office Telephone/Pager Number
  • E-mail Address


Begin with your current or most recent employer, stating the dates of employment, position, name of practice, city and state. If the position is in an academic setting, include after the position title the institution name followed by the department name. If you are completing your residency/fellowship training and have no additional experience, delete this section.


Again, begin with your most current completed or pending degree. State the name of the degree along with any applicable honors, name of institution, department, city, and state. Unless there are special circumstance, do not include anything earlier than undergraduate degrees.


List boards and exams taken. Next list states in which you are currently licensed. It is not necessary to list dates.


Include accomplishments as far back as undergraduate school if medically relevant, along with dates.

Olesky Associates, Inc.

Professional Affiliations

Show the interviewer that you are active in the medical community.

Other Education/Experience

In this section include any education that did not result in a degree, and non-medically related education and/or employment.


Listed in reverse chronological order. If applicable, this section would be followed by 'Presentations' and then by 'Research'.


Consider including the following information: marital status, number of children, visa status if applicable, additional languages spoken and interests/talents/hobbies.


Include references on a page separate from your CV. Include a minimum of three (3) references listed by name, title, institution or group name, department name if applicable, city, state, office and/or pager number, and home number.

Need Additional Assistance?

  • View a sample CV Here Go
  • Cover Letter Library Go
  • Tips on Perfecting your CV

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